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1999 Spring Demo Day


Original archived event page

Media Lab DEMO DAY 12.5.1999

Taideteollinen korkeakoulu - UIAH Hämeentie 135 D Helsinki

WELCOME Philip Dean, Minna Tarkka


Timo Honkela: Self-organisation and evolution The essential topics of the small but active team of Software Design participants have centered around self-organisation and evolution, the title being, thus, a little misleading (next year the title will change and the contents evolve!).

Antti Raike:Self-organized movie concepts


Avatar world design using Commedia dell’Arte as a metaphor

Avatar World Design Project is a project in three parts; a preliminary study, design workshop and the production of a virtual world. After setting a common design approach, the practice-oriented workshop has produced an avatar world script as teamwork. The aim of the project is to produce a multi-user virtual community, which presents the European cultural capitals of the year 2000 for a European audience.

The avatar world script is done for the WorldsAway avatar technology that enables animated avatars and avatars with a vast amount of properties and the use of web resources by linking URLs to the world. The project is based on the study “Commedia dell’Arte as a Design Metaphor for Multiuser Virtual Worlds”, by Mika Tuomola, the director of the workshop.

The workshop has taken a critical look into the current development of virtual communities. Instead of looking for representational models from the age of linear media (1700-1900), the approach is taken beyond the 18th century to the forms of communal representation (masked performance, improvisational theatre, oral tradition etc.).

Project group: Milja Paavola, Oskari Martimo, Christer Nuutinen, Paula Junttila, Riikka Pelo, Sini Sopo, Lasse Seppänen



Concept - The aim of Muistopallo project was to design a game that would be benefitial for communicational disabled children in the age of 4-8. For many children social interaction and communication with their peers is restricted due to certain impairments. The game is based on a tangible interface that encourages children to play in a collaborative way. The game encourages both disabled and non-disabled children in integrated kindergartens to communicate with each other. Emphasize lies on cooperative play, creative use of the body and of physical objects.

Equipment - The game equipment of Muistopallo consists of a round table with a multi-user touch screen and soft handheld balls for each player. The ball of Muistopallo is able to store and exchange information about pictures, sounds and colors. The ball also produces sound and displays color. The picture that is stored in the ball stays invisible until the ball is moved on top of the multi-user screen.

Games - We wanted to make the equipment flexible for different kind of games. One of the games we developed further is “Winter”. This game has two different parts. The challenge in the first part is to collect memories that are representing the summer: combinations of picture, sound and colour. The memory of the ball is changed by contacting each other and touching another ball. In the second part of “Winter” the children gather around the table and together try to win against winter by revealing their memories before winter has come.

Presentation - Presentation will be a Director Movie and the display of a model of the table.

Project group: Simon Pertschy (Game Design & Design Fiction projects), Minna Nurminen

Multi-user poker game project

The purpose of this project was to make a demonstration of a multi-player video poker game for Raha-automaattiyhdistys (RAY). The game works in single-player mode pretty much the same way as the Jokeripokeri (Joker Poker) game by RAY. The player can change from the single-player mode into the multi-player mode which can have 2-4 simultaneous players. The rules of a multi-player game are the same as in a single-player game (player against machine) but the player who gets the best hand will get all the wins (so called “the winner takes it all”-principle).

The game was implemented using Java programming language and client/server architecture.

Peliprojekti - monen pelaajan pokeri

Projektin tarkoituksena oli tehdä monen pelaajan videopokeripelin demo/prototyyppi Raha-automaattiyhdistykselle (RAY). Yhden pelaajan pelitilassa peli toimii hyvin pitkälle samalla tavoin kuin RAY:n Jokeripokeri, joka on RAY:n suosituin videorahapeli. Pelaaja voi siirtyä yhden pelaajan pelistä monen pelaajan peliin, jossa voi olla 2-4 yhtäaikaista pelaajaa. Monen pelaajan pelin säännöt ovat samat kuin yhden pelaajan pelissä (pelaaja pelaa konetta vastaan tarkoituksena saada mahdollisimman hyviä käsiä), ainoana erotuksena se, että monen pelaajan pelissä parhaan käden saanut pelaaja saa kaikkien muidenkin monen pelaajan pelissä olleiden pelaajien voitot itselleen.

Peli toteutettiin käyttäen Java-ohjelmointikieltä.

Project group: Tuottaja/ Producer: Petri Kuittinen Graafikot/ Graphics Artists: Tomi Knuutila & Katerina Antonaki Muusikko/ Musician: Miska Natunen Käyttöliittymän ohjelmoija/ User-Interface Programmer: Jan Lepistö Verkko-ohjelmoija/ Network Programmer: Janne Frösen


Valtakunta is a historical trip to Palestina during a revolutionar period of citizens’ general unhappines towards the Roman Empire. The game begins in the year 50 AD and ends with the violent Jewish war in 70. The aim of the game is to give a possibility to see the progress towards the Jewish war from different points of views.

The game was photographed in actual locations in Israel in March 1999 and it will be ready by march 2000. Co-operation with HY’s Faculty of Theology.

Project group: Kimmo Kari, Teijo Pellinen, Petri Merenlahti, Jari Tenhunen


Sheryl - a cult show for narrowcasting and city interaction - television aided interaction

Sheryl is an interactive televison program, which takes place in Helsinki. The world of the program is created by multiple media and connections to real world. A viewer can watch the show from television and physically visit the locations viewed in the program. Most active viewers can adapt a character which they represent in the real world. The main goal is to create a different type of interaction. - Young wife starts to investigate the link between the murder of her husband and the murder of a hot drag-queen called Sheryl. She is drawn into a mystery which strangely connects different people. These events form a program which can be viewed through televison, Internet and by visiting real life locations and by meeting other people representing other characters.

Sheryl on Helsinkiin sijoittuva televisiosarja, jonka maailma rakentuu useiden medioiden ja reaalimaailman avulla. Katsojat voivat seurata sarjaa totuttuun tapaan televisiosta, sekä tutustua sarjan tapahtumapaikkoihin oikeassa elämässä. Aktiivisimmat voivat valita itselleen roolihahmon, jota he edustavat todellisessa maailmassa. Sarja pyrkii tuomaan uudentyyppistä interaktiivisuutta televisiokontekstiin. - Nuori vaimo alkaa tutkia miehensä ja muovikuuman draq-queenin murhien yhteyttä ja ajautuu syvälle mysteeriin, joka sitoo erilaisia ihmisiä oudolla tavalla yhteen. Tapahtumat muodostavat kokonaisuuden, jota voi seurata sekä television, Internetin ja reaalimaailman paikkojen kautta että tapaamalla muita sarjan seuraajia ja suorittamalla tehtäviä.

Project group: Timo Viikari, Tomi Knuutila, Petri Kola, Pekko Pesonen, Antero Arjatsalo

Akvaario: “We care for you”

Ari has lost his ability to sleep. “I was working really hard in the office, never left home before midnight.” Eira works as a teacher in the elementary school. She is giving her life to her pupils whom she considers as her children. Every day, after work she is so tired that she goes to sleep. At one a clock in the night her alarm clock wakes her. It’s time to start preparation of a new day.

Akvaario is a slow interactive night time TV-program which focuses on the life of two sleepless and helpless city singles who are not capable to make up their minds by themselves. They need somebody to take care of them. Luckily there is a telephone central that takes in telephone calls and can transmit stimulating packages to the persons.

Interactivity in the Akvaario is merely collective rather than directly personal. Also the response from the Akvaario to the users reflects viewers’ collective feeling rather than direct action of one viewer. Akvaario is not supposed to be watched as a normal serial, from beginning to end. It is merely a place to drop by, to see how Ari and Eira are doing, and to help or disturb their lives.

Project group: Teijo Pellinen, Justus Hyvärinen, Kimmo Kari, Miina Kauppinen, Ville Lehtovirta, Markku Niska, Timo Teräväinen, Kari Nenonen, Ilkka von Boehm, Raimo Mantela, Eeva Palviainen

A field trip to the Vanhankaupunginlahti nature reserve - an experimental tri-channel nature documentary

Three channels that approach the subject in different ways. On the first channel we follow the footsteps of an experienced birdlife expert. The second channel presents the trail taken and the surrounding views. The third channel provides an unhindered opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Kolme kanavaa, joilla aihetta käsitellään eri tavoin. Ensimmäisellä kanavalla seurataan kokenutta luontoretkeilijää, jonka opastuksella retki etenee. Toisella kanavalla esitellään reitti ja sitä ympäröivä luonto. Kolmannella kanavalla voi kaikessa rauhassa nauttia luonnon kauneudesta.

Uusi vuorovaikutteinen luontodokumenttiformaatti, joka perustuu usean televisiokanavan käyttöön

Project group: Tomi Salminen, Miia Savaspuro, Reeta Vilhu.

World of Klaudia - a Clairvoyant

An Interactive Documentary Film (work in progress).

The world of Klaudia is an interactive documentary film about a Russian woman who lives in Finland. She has a special gift of clairvoyance. This gift is related to her origins, her culture and reliogion in Russia. Klaudia comes from a world of mysteries where the everyday life and spritual live form a continuum.

Our aim is to experiment with interactivity in the documentary film genre. Interactive narration makes possible several views to Klaudia’s life and by interactivity we try to reflect the differences between a rich view of the world and the everyday activities. What is the world of Klaudia if everything she sees is based on emotions and sensitivity? And when with one touch she sees someone’s present, past and future? And yet, the most important issues in her life are very common: family and work.

Klaudian maailma - Interaktiivinen dokumentti

Klaudian maailma on vuorovaikutteinen dokumenttielokuva Suomessa asuvasta venäläisestä naisesta. Tällä naisella on selvännäkemisen lahja. Selvännäkeminen liittyy hänen taustaansa, kulttuuriinsa ja uskontoonsa Venäjällä. Klaudia tulee mysteerien maailmasta, jossa arkipäivä ja henkinen elämä ovat jatkumoa.

Päämäärämme on kokeilla vuorovaikutteisuuden erilaisilla muodoilla dokumenttielokuvan genressä. Vuorovaikutteinen kerronta mahdollistaa useita näkökulmia Klaudian elämään, ja sen avulla pyrimme myös heijastamaan eroja rikkaan maailmankuvan ja arkipäiväisen toiminnan välillä. Minkälainen on Klaudian maailma, jos kaikki mitä hän näkee perustuu tunteeseen ja aistillisuuteen? Kun kosketuksella näkee ihmisen nykyisyyden, menneen ja tulevaisuuden? Mutta silti elämän tärkeimmät asiat ovat hyvin tavallisia: perhe ja työ.

Project group: Jaana Kokko, Marjaana Laakkonen, Markku Nousiainen

Interactive music video - Interaktiivinen musiikkivideo

Multi Channel Music Video Digital television makes possible to broadcast several channels in the bandwidht of one analog channel. For music videos you could use extra channels to show the lyrics or more closely your favourite member of the band or the discography and so on. But with using the extra channels to narrate the content of the music video, you could create every time at least a little bit different story. We were interested in what kind of experience it could be if we had three characters and each of them would have their own channel.

Monikanavainen musiikkivideo Digitaalitelevisio mahdollistaa monikanavaisen tv-lähetyksen yhden analogisen kanavan kaistanleveydessä. Musiikkivideolle tämä voisi merkitä ylimääräisiä kanavia sanoituksille, uusille miksauksille, haastatteluille tai vaikkapa julkaistujen äänitteiden luetteloille. Käyttämällä ylimääräiset kanavat tarinan kertomiseen luodaan musiikkivideo, jossa on joka katselukerta eri lailla painottunut tarina tai jopa äänimaailma. Kokeilimme, minkälainen kokemus syntyisi videosta, jossa olisi kolme päähenkilöä ja heillä kaikilla oma, heidän toimintaansa keskittynyt kanavansa.

Project group: Leena Saarinen (suunnittelu ja kokeilu / research & experiment, ITV & Computer Animation projects) Karri Laitinen (suunnittelu ja kokeilu / research & experiment) Oskari Martimo (suunnittelu ja kokeilu / research & experiment)