Media Lab Demo Day 16.5.01 #
We warmly welcome you to join us on our Spring Demo Day on Wednesday, May 16th, in the afternoon beginning at 13.00.
The place: Sampo Hall (was: Leonia), Media Center Lume Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, UIAH Hämeentie 135 C, 00560 Helsinki
This event is our way of showing each other, as well as a few friends and media, what we’ve been up to during the study year.
The presentation will be held mainly in English and will be interpreted into Finnish sign language.
RSVP by Monday 14.5. at 12.00 to Anna Arsniva,
Thanks in advance & welcome!
Rough Schedule:
12.00 (Optional) Guided walking tour of our studies, research and spaces, starting outside the Sampo Auditorium
13.00 Welcome by Philip Dean
Landscape of Movement: An Animation
Future Media Home Update At Home Today and Tomorrow Design Ideas for Music Experience in the Future Can-Go
Experimental Interaction Studio Overview Mixed Reality Pong Kukakumma Muumaassa Voice Controlled Real-time Video Manipulation
Systems of Representation Imaginary Filmstars Momentum
14.30 Coffee Break and Q & A in the Foyer
Cultural Usability excursions
net.culture Ghanaba Expand Tram’n’Bus Movement
Drama Between Real and Virtual Candira - A Drama Between Real and Virtual
Projects of the Soft Computing Interfaces Group
Working Late - An Interactive Movie
The Nuppu Labyrinth
News from the Learning Environments for Progressive Inquiry Research Group
Fiona & Flora Show
16.45 Refreshments and Q & A in the Foyer