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2003 Spring Demo Day


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Media Lab Demo Day 15.5.2003 in the Studio Theatre, Lume

From 13 to 17 with two breaks, approx. 14.15 and 15.35.

13.00 Demo space opens ON STAGE

13.00-13.10 WELCOME Philip Dean

13.10-13.20 SANKARI Presented by Petri Kola and Minna Nurminen

Sankari is an interactive television project using a new experimental narrative technique and showing the result in public mass media. The user is represented by his own voice. The individual performances and improvisational aspects create the suspense of the narrative. A character based story structure is used to create a dialogue between the user and the narrative. Context: Final work Project group: Game concept and script writing: Petri Kola, Minna Nurminen, Mikko Lindholm; Director: Petri Kola Executive producer: Pipsa Asiala Producers: Markku Nousiainen, Satu Lavinen Cinematography: Toke Lahti Sound design: Aura Neuvonen Set design: Riikka Paavola Editing: Minna Nurminen Actors: Heikki Pitkänen, Olga Koskikallio, Ilkka Villi, Ville Seivo, Kirsi Kärnä, Markku Nousiainen CONTACT: petri.kola(a-T), minna.nurminen(a-T)

13.20-13.30 READ_ME 2.3 SOFTWARE ART FESTIVAL Presented by Olga Goriunova

READ_ME 2.3 is a festival of software art that explores the territory between art and software cultures, and aims at creating an extended context, against which software art may be mapped. The two-days event will focus on the four major themes: community - software and people, tool is the message - artistic interfaces, software cultures, and guerilla engineering - uninvited interventions. May 30-31, Media Center Lume Curators: Alexei Shulgin and Olga Goriunova Read_me 2.3 is a co-operation between NIFCA, The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Media Centre Lume and m-cult, The Centre for New Media Culture. Supported by: Arts Council of Finland; City of Helsinki; Pro Helvetia, the Arts Council of Switzerland; British Council; the Center for Research in Computing & the Arts (CRCA) at the University of California San Diego. CONTACT: Olga Goriunova, og(a-T)

13.30-13.40 MAP OF MEXICO 1550, digital facsimile Presented by Mariana Salgado

The activities developed were a user test based on the first version of the Digital Facsimile of Map of Mexico 1550, the development of the second version and a short animation of the Map. Context: Digital Facsimile Map of Mexico 1550 project is part of the activities of the research group System of Representation. 16th May is the opening of the Aztecs Exhibition in Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany, where the second version of the Digital Facsimile of Map of Mexico, and the animation are going to be launched. Project group: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, research and development, interaction design, graphic design Janne Pietarila, software design Mariana Salgado, graphic design, production and user test Teijo Pellinen, animation Henrik Haggren, photogrammetry Antti Huittinen, photography Additional assistance has also been provided by Philip Dean at the Media Lab, Margareta Lindgren in Uppsala and Ulf Göranson at the University of Uppsala CONTACT: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, diaz(a-T)

13.40-13.45 EXPERIMENTAL INTERACTIONS WORKSHOP Presented by Jukka Ylitalo CONTACT: Jukka Ylitalo, jylitalo(a-T)

13.45-13.55 REMOTE PIANO Presented by Juhani Räisänen

Remote piano is a musical instrument controlled by mobile phones. The user can play the music and graphics of this instrument by her own mobile phone. Remote piano is intended to be used in the context of interactive TV or on the big screens on shopping malls etc. Context: IXI-workshop CONTACT: Juhani Räisänen, juhani.raisanen(a-T)

13.55- PAPERIKORI - a collaborative story chain Presented by Aki Hiltunen, Mikko Berg, Aki-Ville Pöykiö, Miikka Junnila, Teppo Kotirinta

Paperikori is a place were fragments of thoughts are collected together to form a new kind of entity by using mobile technology. A chain is created with links between parts, no longer than 160 symbols - the standard length of a SMS message. During demoday, anyone with a mobile phone can join the storywriting! Context: Multi-user system ID workshop / mlab / Spring 2003 During demoday: on a stand Always on web: Always on wap: Project group: Aki Hiltunen - concept, WWW-site layout Mikko Berg - concept, WWW-site content Aki-Ville Pöykiö - frontend/backend programming, WAP-site Miikka Junnila - concept, testing, WWW-site Teppo Kotirinta - frontend/backend programming, concept CONTACT: Aki-Ville Pöykiö, apoykio(a-T)

14.15 - 14.35 refreshments

14.35-14.45 IAN minor subject studies / focus area presentations

CAFE NOWHERE Presented by Mia Dahlmer, Mari Keski-Korsu, Miska Natunen, Aki-Ville Pöykiö

An enhanced soap opera for interactive digital TV. Context: IAN production period launch date: 1.6.2003 Project group: Mia Dahlmer: Art director; Assistant scriptwriter Mari Keski-Korsu: Scriptwriter; Concept designer; Editor Miska Natunen: Music and sound designer; Producer Monica Pericleous: Editor; Designer; iDTV consultant Aki-Ville Pöykiö: Technical director; Editor; Interaction designer CONTACT: Miska Natunen, crux(a-T)

GRISKA Griska is an interactive media installation where visitor can interact with audiovisually constructed Rasputin in physical space. Rasputin was a man of God and adviser of the Russian Imperial Family. He faced his destiny on 16th of December 1916. Rasputin was a victim of a conspiracy and was brutally poisoned, shot and eventually drowned. Now Rasputin waits for You in 64 Gorohovaja street to tell himself what really happened. Do You dare to find out what this mysterious man has to say? Context: Griska was made within IAN focus area in Medialab. Installation is shown in Lume Studio Theatre’s foyer. Project group: Sanna Leskinen, Sanna Marttila, Sami Pekkola, Vesa Puhakka, Ella Pulkki, Lotta Rönnberg CONTACT: Sanna Marttila, sanna.marttila(a-T)

14.45- MEDIA LAB DOCTORAL STUDIES Presented by Heli Rantavuo, Mauri Kaipainen

The goal of the UIAH Media Lab Doctoral program is to educate highest level researchers and experts in the field of digital interactive media. On this demo day, eleven Media Lab doctoral students are present to tell about their work. The Doctoral Studies stand tells you who these students are, what they do, and where you can find them in the Demo space. We also tell you about doctoral studies at the Media Lab in general. Project group: Doctoral Studies Stand: Heli Rantavuo (coordination; Mobile multimedia user research project), Mauri Kaipainen (Media Lab Doctoral Studies coordinator) Docs Present: Andrew Paterson (aware), Andrea Botero (Arki research group), Giedre Kligyte (Learning environments), Mariana Salgado (Map of Mexico), Olga Goriunova (Read_Me), Juhani Räisänen (Remote Piano), Teemu Leinonen (Learning environments), Leena Saarinen (Avatar Body Collision), Jürgen Scheible and Eeva Pilke. CONTACT: Heli Rantavuo, heli.rantavuo(a-T)

15.00-15.10 ITCOLE - Innovative Technology for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building Presented by Teemu Leinonen

ITCOLE means “Innovative Technology for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building”. The ITCOLE project has focused on developing innovative pedagogical models, design principles and technology for collaborative knowledge building to be used in European education. The models and technology have been tested and disseminated throughout the European education landscape free of charge in order to help in building a coherent and unified network of participants that supports sharing of expertise, content, practices and tools. The project has developed a network spearheading the use of collaborative learning technology by utilizing pedagogical best practices. The ITCOLE-project was supported by the European Commission’s Information Society Technologies programme (IST) as part of the ‘School of Tomorrow’ thematic action line. Project group: ITCOLE consortium

  • University of Art and Design Helsinki, Media Lab
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT)
  • University of Murcia, Department of Computer Science
  • Helsinki City Education Department
  • University of Helsinki, Centre for Research on Networked Learning and Knowledge Building, Department of Psychology
  • University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • University of Salerno, Department of Educational Science
  • University of Rome La Sapienza, Dep. of Psychology of Developmental and Social Processes
  • University of Athens, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Cognitive Science and Educational Technology Laboratory
  • University of Utrecht, Department of Education CONTACT: Teemu Leinonen, teemu.leinonen(a-T)

15.10-15.20 CITY IN THE BOX Presented by Mikko Berg, Aki Hiltunen, Miikka Junnila, Joanna Saad-Sulonen

An experimental way of storing, representing and sharing experiences of the city of Helsinki, using virtual reality technology, to create a navigable multimedia “gallery space”. Context: VDP seminar Project group: Mikko Berg, Aki Hiltunen, Miikka Junnila, Joanna Saad-Sulonen CONTACT: Joanna Saad- Sulonen, jsaadsu(a-T)

15.20-15.35 AVARICE & FABRIK, ESC-MA COURSE 2003 Presented by Sami Haartemo and Miiku Lehtelä (Arcada)

ESC-MA was a spesific 14 week workshop designed to cover all the phases of small digital video production from single idea to final 3 minutes video product onscreen. The workshop was organized by UIAH stage design department in co-operation with European Scenography Center and ARCADA tv-institute. Five Media Lab students passed the course. These two videos were made during the ESC-MA 2003 course. Videos contain blue screen technique and virtual backgrounds. Context: ESC-MA 2003 (ELO course) Project group: Mlab students Sami Haartemo, Patrik Pehkonen, Sanna Marttila, Anssi Mutanen, Paavo Häikiö. Other students in “AVARICE” Barbara Bryndova, Carlos Gomes and in “FABRIK” Miiku Lehtelä, Bona Vepsäläinen, Andrea Bergman CONTACT: Sanna Marttila, sanna.marttila(a-T)

15.35 - 15.55 refreshments

15.55-16.00 AVATAR BODY COLLISION virtual theatre Presented by Leena Saarinen

Avatar Body Collision is a globally dispersed, collaborative, virtual theatre troupe that devises and rehearses online, using chat room technologies to produce a new converged performance form. Typically, most of the members perform online, live, in real time, while the rest perform in the proximal space of the hosting venue. To date, Avatar Body Collision has performed for audiences across the USA and Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Context: Practise based doctoral research Project group: Leena Saarinen, Karla Ptacek (UK), Helen Varley Jamieson (NZ), Vicki Smith (NZ) CONTACT: Leena Saarinen, lsaarine(a-T)

16.00-16.10 CIPHER - Exploring Carta Marina Cultural-Heritage Forum Presented by Lily Díaz-Kommonen

As part of the CIPHER project Exploring Carta Marina aims to create navigation and visualization tools and methods that will assist heritage institutions in the creation, presentation and processing of content via digital networks. Context: Research project Project group: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, Senior Researcher; Jazmín Aviles Collao and Janne Pietarila, Researchers; Eeva Melvasalo, Research Assistant CONTACT: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, diaz(a-T)

16.10-16.15 CULTURE SHADOWS Presented by Jose Luis Pajares

This is not an electronics of the assembly, there not a manipulable instruments or artifice to learn, only an aesthetic environment that are located by means of visual events, a “space of interferences” of varied signs. Today, our human condition suggests interference in continuous dispute to reach and to belong to the global media-world. [ [ [ Culture Shadows is an interactive installation located in a semi-darkness room where images are projected in the ground as a shade of the spectator. The image of the room is captured by a infrared camera connected to a computer that analyzes in real time the luminosity creating a mask to filter the images of a video. The result is reversed for be projected on the ground of the room from the opposite side where the camera is.] Context: Multimedia Authoring and Advanced MIDI Composition, Mlab 2002-03 CONTACT: Jose Luis Pajares, jpajares(a-T)

16.15-16.25 CRUCIBLE STUDIO UPDATE Presented by Mika Tuomola, Juhani Tenhunen

Within Media Lab and Media Centre Lume, Crucible studio studies and develops narration of the digital, non-linear and interactive media. Studio’s goal is to achieve deeper emotional experiences in the interactive media and to create production methods to develop content and technology simultaneously in the multi-talented teams of artists, designers, scientists and technology experts. Recently, the studio has released a new web site and the Dance on Demand interactive television service demonstration with the OtaDigi network, based on the earlier Media Lab study and research productions Shift and Myths for One, as well as started large scale collaboration projects and been awarded at the Banff Television Festival 2003 with Leena Saarinen’s and Mika Tuomola’s interactive television concept Accidental Lovers.$FILE/myths.pdf Project group: Juhani Tenhunen, Producer Mika Tuomola, Artistic Director Leena Saarinen, Associated Artist and Researcher + the Myths for One team (see the links) CONTACT: Juhani Tenhunen, juhani.tenhunen(a-T)


  1. Digital memory game (including Mobile technology)

  2. Virtual Instrument

  3. Moving through 3D space Presented by Jürgen Scheible

  4. Digital memory game: Play the traditional boardgame “memory” in digital form with real time pictures uploaded with a picture mobile phone. 2. Virtual Instrument: Play the instrument by moving your hand through the air. A tool suitable for learning music theory. 3. Moving through 3D space by waving your hand in front of the screen. Context: study project of MMA course and IXI workshop CONTACT: Jürgen Scheible, info(a-T)

16.30- ANIMAATIOKONE ON TOUR Presented by Mikko Lindholm, Perttu Hämäläinen

Greetings from Belgium. Three week exhibition at Kunsthalle Lophem is over and we’ll show some animations created by visiting school kids. Plus the local “Pikku Kakkonen” television jingle (2,5min). Project group: Mikko Lindholm, Ari Nykänen, Perttu Hämäläinen CONTACT: Mikko Lindholm, mikko.lindholm(a-T)


SPACE INVADERS FOR PERFORMERS Johanna Höysniemi ‘Space Invaders for Performers’ is a computer vision and hearing based game prototype that adds a physical and vocal dimension to a famous retro computer game. Simply put, the player controls the position of the laser base with horisontal body movements and shoots the enemies by shouting. Context: Developed in Experimental Interaction Advanced Production course. Project group: Johanna Höysniemi, Perttu Hämäläinen (provided the computer vision and hearing platform) Tutoring: Jukka Ylitalo CONTACT: Johanna Höysniemi, jhoysnie(a-T)

BATTISTA SFORZA BY FRANCESCO LAURANA (1474) Tatiana Zacharovska An interactive sculpture with the interface cast from a Renaissance bust. The sculpture reacts by sound and is mostly touch-sensitive and is programmed in MaxMSP. Context: Experimental Interaction Advanced course Set up only for the demo day. CONTACT: Tatiana Zacharovska, zacharovska(a-T)

AQUATIC Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski Aquatic is a non linear sound scape which you explore with your bodily movements. It proposes an immersive and poetic experience of imaginary water worlds playing with kinesthesia and sound images. Context: Part of my final work. Developed in the Affective Interactivities (2002), EIA and Advanced Audio Course. Project group: Concept and realisation: Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski; Tutoring: Heidi Tikka, Antti Ikonen, Jukka Ylitalo CONTACT: Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski, mdecoste(a-T)

MAI_1: Melodic Ambient Instrument 1 Jukka Kaartinen Simple visuals control virtual syntherizer to create melodic ambient music. User can explore different soundscapes and random melodic structures. Context: IXI-workshop CONTACT: Jukka Kaartinen, jugi(a-T)

CODE RED (EI), interactive installation Miikka Poutiainen Solve the “code” by bodily expression in an absurd atmosphere - remember: don’t give up! CONTACT: Miikka Poutiainen, miikka.poutiainen(a-T)

THE BENCH, THAT BECAME CONFUSED, installation Lotta Partanen The Bench, that became confused -installation is an experimentation platform for combining a piece of furniture with different types of audio to be interacted with throught the action of sitting on the bench. In its present state the one seated interacts with rhythmic soundscapes. The piece participated in the PixelACHE festival 2003 held in Kiasma. Context: The first version of the bench was completed in Heidi Tikka’s Affective Interactivities study project in 2002. The bench was further developed into its present version during the IXI-workshop. CONTACT: Lotta Partanen, lotta.partanen(a-T)

AWARE John Evans, Markus Ort, Aki-Ville Pöykiö, Andrew Paterson ‘aware’ is a spatio-temporal moblog (mobile log) that allows you to contribute your experiences on the move, and share in the fluid memory of the city. Connect, re-configure, comment on present reality or imagine your dream place in remote performance with others: Experience, gather, drop-lift, link and shift mobile media fragments. Context: IAN (Interactive AudioVisual Narrative Production), Spring 2003 launch date 15.05.03 CONTACT: general: Andrew Paterson, apaterso(a-T); technical: Aki-Ville Pöykiö, apoykio(a-T)