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Miranda Kastemaa


lost together
Miranda Kastemaa
lost together is an interactive music performance, in which a multiplayer online game meets experimental electronic music.
Miranda Kastemaa


Miranda Kastemaa
Take a brief respite from hellworld and beam yourself onto the dance floor in outer cyberspace. Unidentified Fabulous Oscillations will be transmitted into ur brain through TidalCycles and SuperCollider.


music for being spied on by tech companies that participate in PRISM
Miranda Kastemaa
it’s a hell world and i’m tired and haven’t completed any courses this year. but let’s enjoy some cybertunes together. tidalcycles + supercollider + gameboy.
Alive Dead Media: Chip and Tracker Music
Lu Priace Michavila
Olli Ketonen
Philippe La Grassa
Janne Kuisma
Yanran Wu
Janne L
Xiaomeng Fan
Loan Le Thi Kim
Phuong Nguyen
Miranda Kastemaa
Yrjö Fager
Markku Reunanen
Alive Dead Media
This year the topic of the Alive Dead Media workshop was chip and tracker music. During the week each student composed two tunes: one using the sample-based MilkyTracker and another for the Nintendo Game Boy handheld using Little Sound DJ.