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Olli Ketonen


The Pulse of Tripla
Olli Ketonen
Kalle Järvenpää
Rupesh Vyas
Interactive data sculpture, The Pulse of Tripla, is created by Aalto University’s students and teachers of Sound in New Media and Visual Communications Design program. It offers an audiovisual experience demonstrating cyclic changes in air quality in the Mall of Tripla.


Alive Dead Media: Chip and Tracker Music
Lu Priace Michavila
Olli Ketonen
Philippe La Grassa
Janne Kuisma
Yanran Wu
Janne L
Xiaomeng Fan
Loan Le Thi Kim
Phuong Nguyen
Miranda Kastemaa
Yrjö Fager
Markku Reunanen
Alive Dead Media
This year the topic of the Alive Dead Media workshop was chip and tracker music. During the week each student composed two tunes: one using the sample-based MilkyTracker and another for the Nintendo Game Boy handheld using Little Sound DJ.
Olli Ketonen
Embodied Interaction
Gateway is an interactive sound installation utilizing computer vision and sound programming.