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  1. 2023 | Spring Demo Day/

Blurred Memories

Embodied Interaction

Blurred Memories is an interactive artwork that seeks to capture and document the memories that exist in our minds. As we journey through life, the people we meet, the experiences we have, and the places we go become memories that are stored in our brains. Some of these memories are mundane and forgettable, while others are cherished and sought after.

Blurred Memories explores the idea that memories are inherently blurred and fragmented, even when we try to recall them with clarity. Even when we look at a photograph that captures a particular moment in time, our memories of that moment can still feel incomplete and vague.

The artwork invites the viewer to engage in a sensory experience that seeks to recreate the sensation of recalling a memory. It uses light, sound, and motion to create an immersive environment that allows the viewer to explore and rediscover their own memories.

Through Blurred Memories, the artist invites the viewer to reflect on the nature of memory and the way it shapes our understanding of the world around us. By encouraging us to engage with our own memories in a new way, the artwork creates a space for reflection, introspection, and self-discovery.