Eero Pitkänen
Eero Pitkänen
Master's Thesis
DimSyn is a browser-based tool for expressive visually-driven sound synthesis and composition using web technologies.
Eero Johannes Remote Live
Eero Pitkänen
Helsinki-based Eero Johannes (Planet Mu, Harmönia, Sound Pellegrino) has performed his hyper-melodic slow-fast synth funk since 2007, but has now reached a near-stasis state with his music in the past few years.
Electronics for Artists
Matti Niinimäki
, Anna Bernal
, Francesca Bogani Amadori
, Simon Fankhauser
, Qianyu Fang
, Aurora Frestadius
, Hannu Ikola
, Eerika Jalasaho
, Henry Lämsä
, Dann Mensah
, Eero Pitkänen
, Konsta Polkutie
, Juan Qin
, Lari Tarvainen
, Dinan Yan
Electronics for Artists
The course introduces the use of electronics and physical computing as a creative medium in the field of new media art.
Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities
Matti Niinimäki
, Anna Bernal
, Francesca Bogani Amadori
, Simon Fankhauser
, Qianyu Fang
, Aurora Frestadius
, Hannu Ikola
, Eerika Jalasaho
, Henry Lämsä
, Dann Mensah
, Eero Pitkänen
, Konsta Polkutie
, Juan Qin
, Lari Tarvainen
, Dinan Yan
Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities
Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities introduces the students to the possibilities that the Aalto ARTS workshops and studios offer to the field of New Media.