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Lari Tarvainen


Alive Dead Media is Dead
Lorenzo Barilla
Paul Bot
Aurora Frestadius
Janne Lehtimäki
Peiyu Ling
Anjori Tandon
Lari Tarvainen
Ville Yli-Knuutila
Markku Reunanen
Tero Heikkinen
Derek Holzer
Alive Dead Media
The purpose of the “Alive Dead Media” course was to build a bridge between the so-called dead media of the past and today’s new media.
Sarah Alirezaee
Bardia Eghbali
Sina Jalali
Lari Tarvainen
Olga Tasanko
Game Project
Marionettes is an exploration puzzle game with a self-revealing narrative, which unfolds piece-bypiece throughout the game.


Lights out
Lari Tarvainen
Mikael Ahtikari
Ville Laaksonen
3D Animation
A part of a day in a life of a puppet and the puppeteer. Short movie made in 3D animation course.


Electronics for Artists
Matti Niinimäki
Anna Bernal
Francesca Bogani Amadori
Simon Fankhauser
Qianyu Fang
Aurora Frestadius
Hannu Ikola
Eerika Jalasaho
Henry Lämsä
Dann Mensah
Eero Pitkänen
Konsta Polkutie
Juan Qin
Lari Tarvainen
Dinan Yan
Electronics for Artists
The course introduces the use of electronics and physical computing as a creative medium in the field of new media art.
Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities
Matti Niinimäki
Anna Bernal
Francesca Bogani Amadori
Simon Fankhauser
Qianyu Fang
Aurora Frestadius
Hannu Ikola
Eerika Jalasaho
Henry Lämsä
Dann Mensah
Eero Pitkänen
Konsta Polkutie
Juan Qin
Lari Tarvainen
Dinan Yan
Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities
Introduction to Workshops and Studio Facilities introduces the students to the possibilities that the Aalto ARTS workshops and studios offer to the field of New Media.