Mitchell Leibowitz
New Media End of Semester Exhibition
Matti Niinimäki
, Ahmad Erfani
, Alex Artemenko
, Celeste Sanja Smareglia
, Janne Pusa
, Mitchell Leibowitz
, Jiayi Li
, Lù Chén
, Mengqiao Liu
, Mengqing Wang
, Merle Karp
, Pili Valdivia
, Roosa-Emilia Ronkainen
, Rui Zeng
, Sten Heijster
, Volha Furs
, Vytautas Bikauskas
, Xuemei Ge
, Yihan Lou
, Yu-Hsuan Yao
Computational Art and Design
Physical Computing
Course exhibition that highlights works from two different courses, Physical Computing and Computational Art and Design.
VJ Loops
Mitchell Leibowitz
Computational Art and Design
Presenting a video loop, demonstrating what I have learned this semester related to my VJ setup.